Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tuesday, A week and a day

It is Tuesday night and I figured I better make a new entry. James and Michaela were over to see the pups last night. James has 4th round pick of the litter. Last night was the 1st time he and Michaela were able to visit the pups. I love to see the expressions of joy when people see them for the 1st time. I think James is going to be a great master for the pup that he picks. Christina and Andrew were here over the weekend and Christina has her eye on the one with the pink collar. It is a little early to pick so she may change her mind as time goes on. I am very pleased at Addie's acceptance of visitors. she doesn't seem to mind as long as there are not too many people all at once. She is looking very healthy and is eating and drinking very well. She is in great spirits and of course no surprise to many of you, she desires to play pass very much. We are keeping her activity to a min. so that she does not injure her incision. We have been weighing the pups about every other day. They are growing like crazy and are very healthy. One of the pups, a male (yellow collar), is really a bull. He is very determined to get his way at the feeding station and thinks nothing of pushing one of his siblings to the side to get to a nipple. He even crawls right over the top of the others and plunges in where he feels he can. His weight at birth was 1 1/8 #, he now weighs 2 1/8 #. The smallest at birth was 15/16 # (2 pups) and now weigh 2#(Green - Female), and 1 5/8 #(blue/white - female) respectively. As you can see, he is in the upper percentile for size and growth. We have given him several names through the week trying to reflect his personality. We started with Tank, then Gorilla, then Bear. We felt that bear was more in line with the way he looks and acts. The next major step they will take is the opening of their eyes. This should happen in about 5-7 days from now. A couple are starting to use their legs and support themselves briefly. Bear has advanced the most and is getting around quite well. Please feel free to make comments to the blog if you get a chance. I hope to get a couple of photos up soon.

1 comment:

Christina said...

I love that pic of mom with roo.
and I can't believe how big bear is! What a little porker!